
Välkommen på vernissage på lördag till Galleri3 Edsgatan 5 i Vänersborg

med bl.a.'tårtor' av Calle Göse

 29 mars - 13 april
VÅRSIGNALER med verk av Gurli Lindén, Erja Tienvieri och Calle Göse egendesignat silver av Bengt Ankartoft och
textil (bl.a.KNEPP) Anna-Lena Emdén
lörd. 11 - 14
sönd. 12 - 15
onsd. torsd. 15 - 18


Romantic jacket

Jacket from the back
Jacket with hand-crocheted light blue shoulder parts, which also makes the jacket longer. Romantic hand-crocheted roses are snapped in the edge. Have a look here :jacket with ordinary pieces. Go on, like me, design your very own model!
You can buy the ordinary garment pieces in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.