
Myskväll, Forum Vänersborgs stad, 29/12 och Ullrikamodeller

I morgon kl.16-20 Glöggmys på innergården hos Ullrikamodeller, hantverkare mm. och KNEPPmössor Välkommen!
Iréne i den senaste Dagens KNEPP mössan

Nice Hat

1 PRICK piece and 8 buttons

                       You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.



You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.                                                                        2 SMÅKNEPP pieces, 10 buttons and 3 Knepp feltflowers, buttoned up on buttonhole elastic band.


Banana for boys

2 BANAN, 2 PRICK, 2 SMÅKNEPP + 45 buttons
You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.        (2011-12-31)



Superlady cape buttoned up with 1 BANAN and 1 RUTA pieces, 14 buttons

(turban: 1 yellow RUTA piece + some buttons)    
                                    You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.



Top buttoned up with 17 SMÅKNEPP pieces and 46 buttons.  (2011-10-17)

            You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


Like a traditonal dress

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.                                    Dress from 2011-03-18
3 BANAN, 2 RUTA, 2 PRICK, 2 SMÅKNEPP( for the shoulders)-pieces ,buttoned up with 68 buttons... 2 bits of lace for the sleeves... and a flower to complete the look.                             N.b. A dress were all my four pieces are included.


Keep you warm!

13 SMÅKNEPP pieces for the 'scarf', 13 buttons

wrist warmer: 2 SMÅKNEPP  4 buttons
... buttoned on buttonhole elastic band
You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


Transform it!

Hat like a sack

1 PRICK piece and 8 buttons + felt flowers

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.



4 PRICK pieces and 30 buttons Buttonhole elastic band for braces

a fold is made for the bust


You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.



seen from one side
and from the back
 Top buttoned up with 4 PRICK pieces 2 SMÅKNEPP pieces and 37 buttons

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


Happy Trousers

...buttoned up with 2 BANAN and 2 PRICK pieces + 59 buttons, for the waist buttonhole elastic band

                You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


Happy Jacket

buttoned up with 1 BANAN, 2 RUTA, 2 PRICK, 2 SMÅKNEPP pieces and 46 buttons
    end of the sleeve

and one shoulder

seen from the back
You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


H a t

The top of the hat, like a flower
buttoned up with 6 SMÅKNEPP pieces 13 buttons          

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


'ski cap'

1 RUTA piece and 7 buttons
the top is closed like a parcel
Click on: 1RUTA(in blue) under this post you'll see different buttonings of 1 RUTA piece hats

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.